Refactoring Desktop Snowfall

Using the refactoring checklist I will attempt to improve the design of  my Desktop Snowfall project

  • Can the code be Tested?  – The application is GUI based application with not a huge amount going on underneath.  Also some of this is subjective ie is the snow realistic? So it is impossible to test for. The current class diagram looks likes this:

  • Do you need a seam?
    • extract methods using protected not private that use the seam.
  • Create Tests

To create the tests I will need to extract the GUI from the other logic e.g generation of the snow. I started by creating an Environment package and an Environment interface that can store the environmental variables, screen size etc. This is then injected into the snowfall class. Additionally a factory pattern could be used for creating the items in the weather. Hence as weather factory interface could created and injected into the snowfall class. For future flexability objects that fall are defined by a Map held by the environment. Keys in the map are the class names of the objects and the int is the percentage occurrence in the environment.  Therefore the amount of objects created is still controlled by the user through the variable renamed from amountOfAnow to theAmountOfWeatherObjects.

I then created implementations and tests for them and I then integrated them into the design.

  • Start with the deepest branch to shortest branch – Refactored
  • Keep changes small and consistently retest. – Refactored
  • Remove complexity – Refactored
  • Methods should not have more than 10 lines of code – Refactored with a couple of instances where a method is 12 lines of code.
  • Replace conditionals with strategy pattern. – Refactored – achieved with introduction of weatherObjects, WeatherFactory and Enviroment interfaces.
  • Remove local variables – Refactored
  • Remove comments – use descriptive method names. – Refactored
  • Remove cryptic or clever code, – Refactored
  • Remove abbreviated code – Refactored
  • Refactor with dependency injection – Refactored used with implementing strategy pattern.
  • Refactor using SOLID
    • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
      • All classes now have singular responsibilities
    • Open Closed Design Principle
      • Up to this point I have amended, restructured the program to fit in with design principles. One I have completed this list. I will hold to this more strictly. Which begs the question. Should it have come first or last.
    • Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
      • implemented with the WeatherFactory, Environment, WeatherObject and Weather classes.
    • Interface Segregation Principle
      • At present the interfaces are basic and largly singular in purpose. e.g Environment interface only for retreiving details about the weather.
    • Dependency Inversion Principle
      • Achieved by making Environment, Weather and WeatherFactory dependent on abstractions.
  • Refactor using other design principles
    • Encapsulate what changes.
      • Reviewed – no further changes needed.
    • Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)
      • Reviewed. No further changes needed
    • Don’t look for things. Ask for things. (Dependency Injection)
      • Reviewed. No further changes needed.
    • Favor Composition over Inheritance
      • Reviewed. No further changes needed
    • Program to the Interface not to the Implementation
      • Reviewed. No further changes needed
    • Delegation Principles
      • Reviewed. No further changes needed

Now the structure of the program now looks like this:

I will update the source forge and the projects page in the coming days.

Refactoring – Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) Applied to JobMan

In the previous article I introduced 2 base classes Job and SpawnableJob. Their purpose was to forfill the closed open principle. However, as a side effect when all jobs are returned from the database spawnablejobs was also returned. This breaks the LSP as it is not intended that SpawnableJobs are substutable for Jobs and to do so would violate the single responsibility principle.

So to fix this. Spawnable will change so it has a filed of jobToBeReplicated  which will hold an instance of Job and will no longer inherit from Job.

WhitestarMediaProject available on Gitlab and added resources.

After much work I have put the WhitestarMediaProject on Gitlab. The url of the repository is:

This was a useful exercise in modifying an existing project so it is better designed, uses testing and is easier to expand or utilise.  I have recently been practicing TDD and with me being a big ‘Getting things Done’ advocate I have added to testing checklist the RGR cycle. Many thanks to Uncle bob ( and Jpassion for providing the inspiration of the checklist. Speaking of inspiration I have included a distilled GTD checklist in the resources section.


Job Manager – Mind poored out into coding…

Back in 2006 I started a project called JobMan. It was inspired by GTT (Getting Things Done) methodology. Its primary purpose was to facilitate the quick creation of projects that could be broken further and further down into smaller and smaller tasks. As they say in GTT you cannot complete projects, only tasks related to the projects. I also wanted to be able to accurately log the amount of time spent on a project.

The initial UML drawings for the project are given below:

Stop Watch UseCase
JobManager Class Diagram 1
JobManager Class diagram 2
JobManager Class Diagram 3
JobManager Use Case Diagram 1
JobManager Use Case Diagram 2

I intended to use other open source projects where possible and did so for a date picker and DB40 for an embedded database. Also at the time I was more intent on learning than creating something that would be used by someone other than myself. Hence, after the initial design, I coded and created features on a whim. I poured my mind out into my coding and tidied it up afterwards, usually when I found a bug.

The project was important in my development as it made me realise that projects need planning to avoid massive restructuring later. I learnt that design patterns could solve the problems I previously procrastinated over. Also my UI design needed work, which prompted me to buy ‘Filthy Rich Clients’ by Chet Haase and Romain Guy,although some of their work is now redundant given the slow rise of JavaFX2.


By 2009 I released  the project on sourceforge and then released its  current version in 2016 after spending quite some time using it in my current position. From this usage a number of bugs were fixed and the project optimised, e.g caching, listing subtasks by reference and not by objects.