KUP Assessments – Bash scripts to test endpoints

For integration testing and the testing of endpoints I have previously indicated I am going to use a bash script of curl commands to achieve this. The first iteration of the script is given below:



#test the index url
responseIndexPage=$(curl --write-out "%{http_code}\n" --silent --output /dev/null $baseURI) 2>/dev/null
#test the creation of an account
responseAccountCreation=$(curl --write-out "%{http_code}\n" --silent --data "username=Boot&email=boot@r-a-w.org" --output /dev/null $baseURI$create) 2>/dev/null
echo Bash Script Test of KUPassessments
#result of testing the index page
echo Index Page response: $responseIndexPage
echo Create AccountResponse: $responseAccountCreation

The resulting output is:

Bash Script Test of KUPassessments
Index Page response: 200
Create AccountResponse: 404

The 404 is because the query does not contain any data. I also will have run a an SQL script to reset the database.

The database is cleared using the following script ClearAccountTestingData.sql

delete from accounts where username='boot';

This needs to be run each time the bash script starts to ensure that the database is in a state that is expected for the tests. However this needs the location of the script to be included. So it may be best to execute the the SQL from the testing bash script.

Now I have noticed that the second error is not, in fact due to the data already existing but the fact that the request is incorrect. From searching round the request needs to be rewritten so it sends the request in json.


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