Refactor… Refactor This!

One of my teachers at school once told me. When writing an essay leave it for a day after it is complete and you will see it in a whole new light. With this in mind I thought as a refactoring practice I would refactor the code my first Big Java project, JobMan. From previous postings I detailed that I wrote with not much thought on design and described it as spaghetti code.

However, nothing could have prepared me for the full horror that is the codebase for Jobman. Firstly I created tried to create tests for the main class. This was a big mistake because the code was littered with Jdialog boxes. There is no easy way setup tests without refactoring. Do I really want to spend time creating tests that will break the moment the code is refactored.

If you want to see what I mean I have setup a GitLab or download from sourceforge.