- Block usage of passwords that fall into the top 1000 used (as per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:10,000_most_common_passwords)
- Will accept password if it is within the most 10000 but not the most 1000 the response will contain a warning and an option to change the password. – The response will not echo the password.
- Encourage passphrases. By warning if the password is shorter than 10 characters in length, but will not warn if longer than 15 or the password has 2 or more special characters in it such as {}[]@:~!”£$%^&*()_+=-¬`|\/?><
- Enforce case changing in the password. Mix of upper and lower case.
Category: Resources
WhitestarMediaProject available on Gitlab and added resources.
After much work I have put the WhitestarMediaProject on Gitlab. The url of the repository is:
This was a useful exercise in modifying an existing project so it is better designed, uses testing and is easier to expand or utilise. I have recently been practicing TDD and with me being a big ‘Getting things Done’ advocate I have added to testing checklist the RGR cycle. Many thanks to Uncle bob (http://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/2014/12/17/TheCyclesOfTDD.html) and Jpassion for providing the inspiration of the checklist. Speaking of inspiration I have included a distilled GTD checklist in the resources section.