Project Goal

A service that allows/ precipitates the creation and sharing of assessments of any kind from risk assessments to simple checklists. Assessments can scored using different schemes including secondary and primary contributory factors. These could then be assessed using Bayes theorem.

Initial Requirement List

  • Manage users
  • Users can create edit and amend own assessments
  • Users can create documentation for their assessments
  • Users can access documentation on how to create assessments.
  • Assessments can use a number of different scoring schemes.
  • Non users can use assessments and email/ print/ save results

Suspected Target Technologies

  • JAX-RS
  • MySQL
  • HTML5
  • JavaScript

Initial Use Case

Initial Use Diagram (PIC)

KUP Assessments

It has been a while since I have posted anything. Work commitments have kept me distracted, however I have still managed to do some programming. I have started a new project titled “KUP Assessments”. For the next several posts I will outline the development process of the service.

The projects main goal is to allow users to create assessments that can be completed by other users. This assessments can be shared and not have to be recreated needlessly.