Further Design Priniciples

As part of refining the design of the WhiteStarMediaLibrary, what other design principles could I apply?


Encapsulate what changes

This is defined by JPassion.com as:

“Encapsulate the code that is expected to change in the future.”

So when looking at the WhitestarMediaLibrary the areas I would expect to change are the MediaType, CatagoryOption and the Library implementation classes. I have already used an interface for the library class with this very thought in mind. However the MediaType and CatagoryOption classes are Enums. How would I add Book to the MediaType or add a new music genre e.g. grime? Enums, by their very nature, are static and so it would be impossible to do this at run time unless we used dependency injection. But this is then reliant on the developer to add this every time a new genre comes out. The original reason I picked Enums was for their speed, how I could use them to group subgenres together and how I could have consistency in music types between differing libraries. This will require further thought.

Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)

It is recommended that abstraction is used to group common functionality in one place. This design already incorporates this in the abstraction of whitestarmedia. From looking at the design I cannot see at this stage what other functionality is to be abstracted.  I do feel there should be more than just the whitestarmedia. Perhaps when I start to finish the implementation further examples will come to light.


Don’t look for things. Ask for things – Dependency Injection.

When I was looking at ‘Encapsulating what changes’ in a previous post, I discussed the MediaType and CategoryOptions and how changes with introductions of new media types or music genres could be included without having to use dependency injection.  However, if I chose dependency injection and used this to add new genres for example, this could cause problems.

Imagine a new music genre is created called ‘crocky’ (county rocking yelping), a new module is written which is used to replace the existing CategoryOptions class. However ‘Crocky’ never takes off and it is removed from the next version of CategoryOptions. You can guarantee that somewhere, someone will be a Crocky fan and find their favourite media player can no longer find their tracks because the library will not be able to understand the category retrieved by the whitestarlibrary.  However there could be an abstract method for when media is retrieved that checks the category type is valid. Then it is up to the library implementation how this is handled. Until I can think of a better solution the CategoryOptions shall use dependency injection.

Dependency injection is also vaunted as an aid to testing. I will therefore have to return to this topic once I move on to the’ Jpassion JUnit, Mocking, TDD and refactoring’ course. For next post I will concentrate on design patterns.

There is a good article regarding dependency injection at the codewhisperer’s blog which can be found here:




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