KUP Assessments – An ‘Assessment Creator’ Creates an Account

This requirement relates to the following classes with associated test cases:

  • KupGatehouse
  • Authentication Manager
  • KupFacade
  • KupAssessments
  • AccountManager
  • AccountDatabase
  • HTTP_HeaderChecker

Additionally there is a bash script to test from the frontend of a working system.

Changing Names to Suit Interfaces.

A number of interfaces have altered their names, slightly to reflect that they are interfaces. e.g AccountDatabase has become IaccountDatabase.

Database choice – MySQL

The first implementation of the IaccountsDatabase will be an MySQL database. this is because of the support that is available for MySQL and for not for speed or ideological reasons. I just want it to work.

Database setup

The initial database, which is not embedded so there is flexibility in where the database is located, is set up using a sql scipt. The login details for the AccoundDatabaseSQL class uses to access the database is kept in a properties file on the server. I do worry over the security issues for this but for lack of finding a better solution and the fact that if someone able to access the file, there will be greater problems that just the accounts database being compromised. This will require revisiting later.

IAccount Class creation

My first thoughts are to use a factory pattern for the creation and submission of accounts. The problem is I would be restricted to what the data structure of the concrete account classes would be. Behavior of course would be malleable, but what if there was a method of a class reveal structure a run time. e.g revealDataStructure() it would be up to the IaccountDatabase to store this in its database. The database would also need to be able to handle the structure. In the case of MySQL database this is completely reasonable. so how do I get the factory to insert the data structure. Well I could instead use a method for Iaccount such as loadDataStructure(Map aMap) the class would then wire up its data structure itself. It could also have getDataStructure() which would return a map which it’s keys and values (Strings) could be iterated through to store its data structure. Or should I be creating a IAccount class at all. It is only going to be flattened into a xml or json structure anyway? No. For simplicity of the interface between components, the Iaccout being passed around would be better.

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