Rest…When you don’t know where you are going any road will take you there.

I have taken some time to decide on where I should focus my energies. Learn a new language C++, C#, PHP? Given I have already invested a significant amount of time learning and creating programs in Java I have decided that, for now, I will stick with the Java eco system.

This leaves me with the next problem, what to focus on? The state of Java desktop is negligible, as far as I am aware it is not distributed now with  new PC’s.  The nightmare that was Java applets and how it has, rightfully, been kicked out of web browsers.  This leaves the realm of back-end server stuff.

The problem with this is I tend to learn by rote .I create programs I intend to use myself. So I need a trajectory which requires me to create something I could use or that someone else will use. i.e at my place of work. So the options I have thought of are:

  • I currently work in the NHS at a GP practice so I could create a comprehensive intranet site instead of the static one currently in place. Using a local PC as the server. For a practice of no more than 20 pcs the desktop machine should cope with the workload.
  • Create a service that allows me to access recordings, videos and music on a mythtv box from across the web.
  • Build the basic structure for a new clinical system.  The NHS currently uses EMIS Web (Egton) and System One (The Phoenix Project). Given the amount of frustration with the service provided by the current provider this is incredibly appealing and daunting in equal measure.
  • Do both the first and the second in this list.  Create a service that has a solid foundation for a practice intranet site. Then start to add facilities for patient documentation, management etc.

This last option is appealing as it would allow me the scope to create a replacement clinical system whilst knowing that, for the time being, its main purpose is to be a practice intranet site.  This leads me to my next choice, given it is a intranet site, it should lever the strengths of the web. i.e Rest.

I have had “REST in Practice: Hypermedia and Systems Architecture” by by Jim Webber , Savas Parastatidis and  Ian Robinson sitting on my shelf for a couple of years and, as I hate to waste anything, this is the way I am going to go.  In January I also signed up to (see the upcoming post) which, although the site looks a little tired, it has some good content. It has a REST course.

So I will use both of these to start the MTMC intranet project (MTMC is the abreivation of the GP practice where I work).

It is now time to set sail, though all this floating about makes me sleep restlessly…


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